The best blogs to follow about remote work

By Callum Sharp Callum Sharp
Two people sitting at their laptops, representing a remote working scenario

Transitioning into remote work isn’t all cupcakes and butterflies. Before you begin, there’s a lot of research to be done.

But the internet is chock full of blogs talking about different aspects of remote working. To help you cut through the noise, we sourced what we believe to be the best blogs about remote working. 

Here goes...

1. For facts

For all the facts and figures about remote working, Global workplace analytics is the place to go. They’ve gathered research on agile work from more than 4,000 sources and found the most common pros and cons of working remotely.

If you’ve still got questions, has the answers. They’ve asked companies who have made the leap just how they did it. Discover tips and tricks, learn how to hire remotely and ask their large community of remote workers for advice.

2. For travel

To get the most out of remote work, you’ll want to schedule some travel. Nomad List have devised a directory of remote-friendly countries. Filter your search by budget, quality of nightlife and wifi access, among many other factors.

After somewhere to work in your favourite city? Workfrom is a simple search engine for finding a place to work in any city. Personally, I recommend exploring coffee shops or signing up to co-working spaces. If you’re a Londoner, try turning the British Library into your second home.

3. For tips and tricks

If you’re after remote working hacks, sign up to Their bi-monthly newsletter is chock full of tips on agile work and remote working struggles. If you’re a freelancer, you can sign up and search thousands of jobs across the world, too.

4. For the motivation

For increased motivation, sign up to Gofuckingdoit. Enter your goal, set a deadline and determine your price. If you fail, your money will go to a place of your choosing, whether that’s to a charity you like or to a person you don’t.

5. For everything else is the remote worker’s bible. Its array of resources is quite impressive. Browse books, articles and blogs about working away from the office. You can join online communities and even gather tips on how to stay healthy, too.

Time to get cracking

You are now ready, fellow remote worker, to roam as you please and work where you want. Long gone are the days of office cubicles and desk chairs, you’re free. Armed with the knowledge you will need, all that’s left is to pack up your laptop and charger and be on your way.

What are you waiting for? Get out there and breathe in that fresh air. Your working day is now yours to make great!